Holy cow! It has been quite awhile since I have posted. Sorry, guys, I have been feeling unmotivated lately for some reason, anyway, I'm feeling better this evening. Oh, and about the stories... I have realized that a story everyday, maybe even every other, was a bit too much. It was fun, but I wanted to have time for other things too, so I'm thinking maybe one or two story sections a week. Sometimes if our goals need to be adjusted to fit our real lifestyle. I am not defeated, I just made that impulse goal when I had no school, haha.
I will be doing January 13th through today.
Jan. 13. - 3 Things About Myself that I'm Grateful For.
I am grateful for my red hair. I really like its unique and pretty color. By the way, I believe it comes from a recessive gene, but I'm not positive.
I am grateful for my strong, shapely nails.
I am grateful for my ability to stay calm when I chose to be.
Jan. 14 - 3 Startling Graces of God
I am grateful for God's wondrous mercy. It goes to the undeserving and sets us free.
I am grateful for God's love that is so deep for us, that we will never comprehend it.
I am grateful for the book Song of the Ovulum. It shows God's mighty hand through glorious tales of adventure.
Jan. 15 - A Gift Worn, Given Away, Shared
I am grateful for my heavy-duty jacket that made me warm after I got extra cold today.
I am grateful for my time given to the Bilyeu girls. THey are so sweet and I miss them very much.
I am grateful for the notebook that Caitlyn and I pass back and forth. I was wonderful to "hear" from her and then to write book.
Jan. 16 - 3 Witnessed Blessings
I am grateful for witnessing my parents kissing.
I am grateful for witnessing William playing quietly.
I am grateful for witnessing the movie The Giver.
Jan. 17 - A Gift Bringing Laughter, Prayer, Quiet
I am grateful for getting my hair cut. Seeing the difference made me giggle.
I am grateful that I can make decisions that cause me to pray for guidance and wisdom.
I am grateful for bedtime, oh, that sweet time of blissful rest.
This post makes me happy^_^ (staying calm at will is quite an impressive trait indeed - I'm still working on that one xD) Lovely!