Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sunset Poem

Last night it snowed and it was so cool to wake up and see everything covered in white. We had so much fun playing in it and making tracks all over the place. When the sun came out, it was incredibly bright and I had to shut my blinds. Fortunately, I checked to see if I could see today's sunset and what I saw was breathtaking. It had gotten windy as the day progressed so there were many different layers of clouds racing across the sky. It was so neat seeing all the shades each layer was and how some were big bunches of clouds and how others were just little puffs.
But what I saw that was so fantastic was the way the sun lit up a section of the clouds so that they were the most spectacular gold color and they created a floating landscape. It looked like a far away land bordered by silver-lined mountains and then in the middle was an island encircled by a river of pure, liquid gold. I imagined that I was gazing into heaven and then the idea for the following poem came to mind.

Over mountains, filled with light,
Over fields, filled with delight.
There lays the city
Of the King of Glory
Surrounded by a pool of brightest gold.

I even came up with a little tune for it and am trying to figure it out on the piano so it can be a song.
Dear God, thank You for Your glorious sunsets and for giving me eyes to see them. Thank You also for giving me the words for the poem, it was fun to write.


  1. I love how you told God thank you for the poem He gave you and how fun it was to write. I've never thought about writing that way before. I love you girl ;) thank you for being inspirational!!
